Guard your heart Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts. Our Creator knows us and He gave us this instruction with full knowledge of the condition of human heart. This requires us to be sober because the world is full of chaos. Guarding our hearts is very important because it affects the trajectory of our lives. The human mind is the most deceitful of all things. It is incurable. No one can understand how deceitful it is. Jeremiah 17:9. One wrong turn can lead to a ripple effect that can end in destruction. The enemy feeds our minds with all sorts of lies; that we have sinned too much and cannot be forgiven, that we cannot make it. His aim is to throw us into confusion and for us to start doubting the Word of God. When we listen to the voices of other people, we will realize that everybody has an opinion about every subject, and the opinions are as diverse as there a...
Hello, Vicky here! I help Christian women to rise above life's storms and find rest for their soul in Christ Jesus. Visit my website